Undergrowth Records: Obdulucus Pontivea

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Obdulucus Pontivea.png



--Designation: Obdulucus pontivea

--Clearance: Level 0

--Status: Partially secured.

--Response: LETHAL, POISON

--Classes: Xenoflora, Latexphera

--Biohazards: None.

--Research: Ongoing.

--Eco Threat: Invasive.

--Hominid Threat: Starvation.



Obdulucus pontivea resembles a fleshy black climbing vine or burrowing root supported by the retention of pressurized bioluminescent fluid. (Typically ranging from pale cyan to teal) If no bioluminescence is visible from the outside, Obdulucus pontivea may be differentiated from ███████ ████ by testing the rigidity of the flesh from 3-4 meters away with a prodding implement.

Pontivea is differentiated from similar Obdulucus species by its "bridging" behavior. When the species detects the pressure of climbing fauna along its vines, it will slowly adjust its shape to form a hardened flat platform. Platforms which have grown to 0.5 meters thick may support upwards of 275kgs, and are considered safe to traverse.


Obduluca flesh is safe to the touch, but ██████ fluid contact should be avoided for its adhesive properties. Suggested PPE for spilled fluid includes a loose fitting poncho or hazard suit with a chlorinated outer surface to prevent adhesion, and a removable face shield in case of splatter.

Due to their invasive nature and opportunistic parasitism, and Obduluca species encountered outside of their habitat are to be treated with a limonene bath or latexphera herbicide immediately.


Obduluca species are opportunistic feeders, capable of breaking down a wide range of mineral materials and organic matter. Obduluca will eagerly parasitize other flora, and will grow unchecked if they are not paired with latexphera "herbivores" in their enclosures.


The exact origins of this species are unknown, but the species appears to have entered the Earth's ecosphere during the infamous "Inkwell" incursion incident of ████ ██████ alongside ██████ ████████, ████ █████████, ███ ███, ████████ ████, ████████ █, Veladerm Physa, and ██████ ██████████ █; which it is assumed to have coevolved with. Habitats in containment should contain one of more of these coevolved species to provide a balanced ecosystem. Containment areas for Obdulucus pontivea should include at least 1 centimeter of copper heated to 140°C with an air space on ether side of 2 CM to discourage growth into the surrounding cave structure. Obdulucus pontivea should always be paired with at least 2 flora species, and 2 latexphera "herbivore" species.


The species' rapid growth rate above and below ground, and eagerness to parasitize carbon based flora makes it a clear threat to any ecosystem it manages to invade.

During the Inkwell incident Obdulucus pontivea was observed to spread rapidly through the ████ ██████ emergency containment site. The species repeatedly broke containment and lead to multiple expansions of the zone through ████ ██ and █████ ███████ ██ before eventual containment. The development of anti-latexphera herbicide was crucial to the containment of the species; the mass deployment of which was only masked from public scrutiny by the commonality of chemical warfare during WWI.


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--Colloquialisms: Alien Kudzu

--Status: Uncontained.

--Response: Ignore, wasted effort.

Credit & License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Original concept and writing by https://twitter.com/Jakuryusei

Proof reading by DFR-44: Lex.